How Does Ashwagandha Benefit Your Hair?

HK Vitals

With a wide range of health benefits, Ashwagandha has been one of the most popular natural ingredients from ancient times. While it promotes overall well-being it also takes a lead role in assisting the body to cope with stress. This evergreen shrub, Ashwagandha, can be found in Asia and Africa and is generally used for stress relief. While health professionals use the herb to cure insomnia, it can be used to reduce hair fall. 

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Ashwagandha have a positive impact on the scalp. By incorporating this herb into your hair-care routine, you will be able to enhance the vitality and strength of your hair. And you can potentially improve your hair quality with Ashwagandha benefits. 

How to Use Ashwagandha for Hair?

Ashwagandha is such a herb which can be used for many health problems. If you want to include this herb in your hair care routine, you must follow the guidelines to get positive results. There are two possible ways to use Ashwagandha for hair. 

  • Internal consumption – To get Ashwagandha benefits, internal consumption is the most common way to use it. You can take Ashwagandha orally, either in powder form or in tablets. 

Traditionally, Ashwagandha churna is consumed by mixing it with warm milk, ghee or honey. It is recommended to take it after breakfast and start your journey with Ashwagandha with not more than ¼ th spoon initially. Then gradually increase the dosage. You can take oral supplements with a 300-500 mg dosage regularly. 

  • External application – Another way to get Ashwagandha benefits is by using it externally. You can make a mask of Ashwagandha powder with water and then apply it to the scalp. You can alter water with coconut oil. Messaging gently for a few minutes will enhance blood circulation and nourish the hair follicles.

Another mask with hibiscus, Brahmi and Ashwagandha and a sufficient amount of coconut milk or yogurt will be beneficial for hair health.

Ashwagandha Benefits 

Ashwagandha is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle for its health benefits. In terms of gaining benefits from the herb, you must follow a balanced diet too. Let’s look at the Ashwagandha hair benefits. 

  • Ashwagandha contains antioxidants and amino acids, which aid in strengthening hair follicles and reduce breakage. 
  • With its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to improve the itchy appearance of the scalp. 

Additionally, as stress is a common reason for hair fall and Ashwagandha uses has been known for reducing stress, it can be said that decreasing stress reduces hair loss.


Ashwagandha can be a beneficial addition to your hair care routine. Don’t worry about how to consume or apply. Whether you take it internally or apply it externally, it will help promote hair health, reduce stress, and support overall well-being. To embrace the Ashwagandha benefits, you must wait a minimum of 2-3 months. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How to use Ashwagandha for hair? 

Ans: You can take it orally or apply it externally to get Ashwagandha benefits.

Q2. Can you put Ashwagandha on your scalp for hair benefits?

You can use an Ashwagandha mask on your scalp to get better results.

Q3. Who should avoid Ashwagandha use?

Ans: Pregnant or breastfeeding women should have a word with the doctor before using Ashwagandha.

Q4. How long can I use Ashwagandha benefits for hair?

Ans: You can take Ashwagandha for up to 8 weeks to see the benefits.

HK Vitals


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